Scenery Pavilion

The vision for Scenery Pavilion has been to create a multifunctional pavilion  that integrates with the landscape, creating space for movement, social interaction, and cultural events. Scenery Pavilion unites architecture, nature, and history within the baroque garden of Gl. Holtegaard. Taking inspiration from the garden’s geometric aesthetics, the pavilion reinterprets the traditional baroque staircase as a double staircase rising 2.5 meters above the ground. Its form gives the impression of floating freely, offering visitors new spatial experiences and changing perspectives of the garden.

Designed to encourage movement, social interaction, and creative expression—particularly among young people—Scenery Pavilion serves as both a gathering place and a platform for creative exploration. Its adaptable structure accommodates a wide range of activities, from informal play and physical activity to cultural events and performances. Simultaneously, it functions as a viewing platform, offering visitors new perspectives on the baroque garden.

The pavilion is characterized by its duality, which emphasizes the relationship between the users, landscape and architecture.  As you move around the pavilion, the shape and materials change your scenery and perspective of the space. The red side stands out, while the reflective side disappears into the landscape.

The pavilion’s design was developed in close collaboration with engineers and craftsmen to achieve its complex geometry within a limited timeframe and budget. Material use and production were optimized to allow for easy assembly, disassembly, and transportation, ensuring minimal waste and the possibility of reuse.

Rather than a static object, Sceneri is a structure that changes with its users and surroundings—an open framework for movement, gathering, and exploration.
LOCATIONGl. Holte,  Denmark

TYPOLOGYScenery, Pavilion III

SIZE55 m2

STATUS1st prize in open competition. Completed in 2017.

CLIENTGl. Holtegaard

ROLEArchitectural consultancy from concept to completion.

COLLABORATION Teresa Fernandez Rojo (architect), Camila Stadler Buschle (constructing architect), Henrik Almegaard (structural engineer), José Mato Millan (film), Carlos Alvarez Clemente (film), Astrid Maria Busse Rasmussen (photography), Bjørn Pierri Enevoldsen (photography).
AWARDRudersdal Architecture Award 2017